
I recently indulged in a trip to America. Not for work but purely for pleasure. I chose to be present and very “in the moment” while I was there and the effect has been very beneficial. Travelling is always a soul soother for me and the incredulity of being able to reappear in a new country, still amazes me.

Cultural changes fuel my imagination and comfort my belief that we are all capable of change. There is too much diversity in the world for us all not to be able to appreciate and learn from each other.

I stayed in middle America for a few days, people watching, meeting new friends and learning how to make ice cream! The earth here is a rich orange colour (iron ore) that has to be seen to be believed. The people are pleasantly direct and, despite the temperatures reaching 38degrees centigrade, the efficiency of the a/c is delightful!

A road trip followed (highly recommended to clear your head and require you to pay attention – no wifi!)
Amarillo – yes, singing ensued (and it was the road to it) – and then Albuquerque, New Mexico was as brilliantly different as I had imagined. From the architecture to the people, I was assaulted on all sides.

We stopped off in Madrid (with a long a!) and experienced a small town welcome. Finally we arrived in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Wow, just wow! The earth is a rich cornucopia of landscape and experience. The breakfast at Pascual’s was amazing and the tacos at Tomasita’s to die for. The Cowgirl BBQ didn’t disappoint and the gallery hunting on Canyon Road, with their rich diversity of art, will stay with me forever.

Life is out there – go find it!