Thursday 18th June 2015, 10am PDT 1pm EDT = 6 O’Clock in the evening MT (my time)
Sitting down to listen to Tony Conrad, creator of About.Me give this talk I was struck by the modernity of sitting in North Devon at my computer screen listening to a man talk in Los Angeles.
Truly international educational development!
He will discuss “best practices for building your personal and professional brand, how to use online tools for networking and ultimately how to onboard into your career”
Onboard – loving the terminology already and the talk hasn’t started!
This was a generic chat about social media and Tony’s personal opinion:
Don’t let your Social Networking define you – choose before Google does.
His main message was that we all have an internet presence and we should therefore embrace it and channel it to promote our authentic selves. is our narrative, a chance to share our story: jobs and experiences, forward looking and real
LinkedIn is important – networking is vital in this international age and we are social creatures
We need to learn to put people at ease, make a connection – differentiate yourself: be active, comment, get attention (but not gratuitous, be sincere)
NETWORK – follow people who share your interests and use their social circle to learn and grow